Deepening our Shamanic Practice
Deepening our Shamanic Practice
A four-week course of Shamanic Journey as a Spiritual Awakening
Tuesday evenings, June 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th -live on Zoom
7pm-9:30pm ET
A four-week course of Shamanic Journey as a Spiritual Awakening
Tuesday evenings, June 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th -live on Zoom
7pm-9:30pm ET
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/874009906157?aff=oddtdtcreator
Step onto The Dreaming Horse Ranch and let your journey begin. Nestled amongst towering pines and blooming tulip poplars, this magical haven complete with horses and donkeys will assist you in revealing the dreaming of your own Soul’s longing! Join Us for this unique 2-day experiential workshop.
Carol and Iva facilitate a crafted experience of guided meditations, writing prompts, nature and animal experiences and shamanic journey work designed to allow you to experience your own personal divination, and soveirgnty.
Join us for a very special evening with Jodi McLaren and friends, after her successful tour traveling the country, queering living rooms! It will make you laugh and cry, but mostly feeling alive!